
Roger Williams University offers individualized advising and guidance for students planning for careers in the health professions after they graduate. Our Pre-Veterinary医学 track assists students throughout their undergraduate career and beyond, beginning with course selection and career exploration, continuing with support around gaining required clinical and extracurricular experience, and culminating with 1-1 support through the vet school application process.

The Pre-Vet Track at RWU is designed to prepare students for entry in veterinary schools across the country. Students interested in this track will work with the Pre-Health Director to design their program of study to ensure they take the proper prerequisite courses for entry. Students can pursue almost any major for entry into veterinary school, although most select at least one major offered through SSNS. Please also make sure to consult with a faculty advisor in your academic area to ensure graduation in a timely manner.
Students will also need to engage in significant experiential 学习 to be considered a strong applicant. While no two applicants are the same, successful students often participate in research, take leadership roles both on and off campus, and have become familiar with the veterinary profession by gaining hands-on clinical experience. Students may also need to take the GRE exam prior to submitting their application.
More detailed information on which RWU courses will be taken to satisfy Pre-Vet requirements can be found on the RWU Pre-Health 桥梁 site.

What sets RWU Pre-Health apart from other programs?

Student in medical assistant's dress.With the growing need for knowledgeable, 移情医疗服务提供者, it has never been a better time to consider a career in the health professions. 在RWU you will benefit from 1-1 pre-health advising from both experienced faculty and the Director of the Pre-Health program from the moment you step on campus. That support continues through your time at RWU and beyond – many applicants nationwide will apply to these graduate programs after the completion of their bachelor’s degree, and alumni support is a key benefit of our program.

Key Components and Advantages of RWU Pre-Health Professions Advising

  • A student examines a petri dish in a lab要么得B.S. 还是B.A. degree in a complementary field of study while completing requirements which prepare students for future graduate and professional programs in the health professions.
  • Benefit from dedicated advising to ensure that you complete all the necessary requirements for your chosen pre-health program.
  • 接受个性化的, 1:1 support for career exploration and experiential 学习 (internships, 合作社, 专业的阴影, research opportunities) in health-related fields through our Center for Career and Professional Development (CCPD).
  • Access faculty advisors with specializations in mental and behavioral health tailored for students interested in Clinical and Counseling 心理学 and Social Work.
  • Enjoy access to an even broader range of elective health professions courses through RWU’s membership in the Council of Independent College consortium.


在罗杰威廉姆斯大学, we have a wide variety of majors in both the natural and social sciences that pair well with a pre-health pathway. Pre-Health students are always encouraged to major in a field that they are passionate about, and then connect with the Pre-Health office to ensure they are taking the proper coursework for their desired field. One of the benefits of an RWU education is the ability to develop your academic plan the way you want, Pre-Health也不例外!

Did you know that 80% of our graduates leave RWU with more than just one major? Adding a minor or a second major to your academic program is a great way to differentiate yourself amongst other applicants. 给n the academic programs that we offer, it is attainable to double-major in areas of study that you are excited about, all while satisfying the appropriate prerequisites for graduate school. You can even create an individualized major with University approval.

Listed are some of the most popular majors for our Pre-Health students, yet all RWU majors can be paired with Pre-Health.




The health professions are competitive – we want our healthcare providers to know their stuff! Competitive GPAs for most of these programs begin at around 3.5, and many have even higher expectations of their applicants. 在RWU we know that all healthcare providers found themselves struggling or overwhelmed with one of their courses, 无论是有机化学, 微积分甚至创意写作. 在RWU you have access to excellent resources including our prolific 辅导中心, staffed by over one hundred students and staff whose goal is to help you better understand your material and retain it long-term. At The 辅导中心 a particular emphasis is placed on STEM, and the center is open 6 days a week, 包括大多数晚上. 另外, all RWU faculty have office hours where students are encouraged to drop-in to better understand their coursework.


针对所有卫生专业学校, prospective students need to not only demonstrate a deep understanding of prerequisite courses, but to also demonstrate that they have an understanding of the professions that they wish to pursue. This happens in a number of ways, but almost always falls into one category: 从实践经验中学习.

从实践经验中学习 can take place in a number of different ways. A few activities that successful Pre-Health students have engaged in:

  • Shadowing healthcare providers in one’s desired field
  • Conducting research, either on-campus or off-campus
  • Gaining a professional certification to work hands-on with patients, such as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) or Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA)
  • Engaging in community service work in your college or home community
  • Completing an internship, co-op or practicum in one’s desired field
  • Participating in high-impact 学习 opportunities, like the 荣誉项目 or an independent research project
  • Taking leadership roles in on-campus organizations and clubs

It’s not expected that applicants to the health professions will have completed all of the activities above, but successful applicants will have engaged substantially outside of the classroom prior to submitting their applications. 在RWU, you’ll work with the Pre-Health Program to identify your interests as they relate to the health professions, and collaborate to locate and engage in these experiences. You can also receive assistance from the Center for Career and Professional Development and the excellent suite of tools that they have for students including workshops, 1 - 1建议, 握手等等!



Wherever you are in your Pre-Health journey, you'll be able to meet 1-1 with RWU's Director of Pre-Health Programs, 乔恩·艾伯特. Whether you are a first semester student just 学习 about the health professions, or a senior preparing their application, the Pre-Health office is open to you! 

Jon brings nearly a decade of experience working in higher education and clinical settings to the RWU Pre-Health program, and collaborating with students to help them reach their goals is his favorite part of the job.